Plagiarism Detection and Policy
Our commitment to maintaining research integrity and preventing academic misconduct
Original Content Requirement
All manuscripts submitted to Barw journals must be original and not simultaneously under consideration by any other publication. Upon submission, each article will undergo an immediate screening process by the journal's Editorial Board. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using widely available online tools.
Excessive self-citation or inappropriate self-referencing is strongly discouraged.
Research Misconduct
Barw journals take claims of research and publication misconduct very seriously. If any such allegations arise, the Editors may contact third parties, such as the authors' institutions or relevant ethics committees, to investigate further.
Image Verification
All digital images included in manuscripts will be examined for signs of manipulation. Any evidence of image manipulation may lead to the retraction of a published article.
Consequences of Misconduct
In cases of suspected misconduct, manuscripts will be swiftly rejected and reported to the authors' institutions and organizations, such as the European Science Foundation and the US Office of Research Integrity.
Our journals fully support the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA) Code of Conduct on Research Integrity.